Late Bloomer
via the Netherlands, Wet Green invites you to the Aotearoa launch of Late Bloomer, Volume One: 'daydream' by Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher
accompanied by an exhibition of the original drawings.
Saturday 2-4pm, 17.04.2021, byo
Apartment 33, 11 Parliament Street, Auckland City.
Following the launch, in the university park we hope to meet some wild moths and have a drink with them.
I know you are there, I can feel it…
who are you??
And… what are you??
Maybe you don’t want to answer, maybe you can’t…
Ok… If you won’t speak, then I will speak first.
Hello, my name is B.
Just B. Nothing more.
B, you may think, what kind of a name is that anyways?
What is it good for?
I go by ‘B’ just as a tick goes by ‘tick’ and a bee goes by ‘bee’.
Simple... If insects don’t get to have names then why would I need one?
Lately I have been feeling... different.
Not necessarily bad… just different.
Late bloomers themselves, Anjou and Büscher draw on their past adolescence, and together imagine an ecological sci-fi future to tell the story of 'B', a teen coming-of-age in a high school of ambitious eco-avantgardists.
Teen-drama meets anti humanism in LATE BLOOMER, following B through the strange sociobiological experience which is puberty… or is it something even stranger?
See: latebloomer93, Tilde.